Introduction: Bamboo is one of the commercially cultivated crops in India and it is also considered as ‘a poor man’s timber’. India is the second largest producer of Bamboo in the world after China. The yearly bamboo production in the country is estimated at around 3.23 million tons. In Asia, bamboo is the most integrated part of the culture and is used as a substitute to woods. Although there are around 136 species of bamboo that exist in the country, still only some of them are commercially feasible.nadu and karnataka, fig can grow to more than 2.4m tall in only three month and start bearing fruits, there are 21 popular varieties fig that are being cultivated in the world, in India `poona` is the most popular variety, most of the fig fruit grown in daulatabad the poona fig, in recent days a variety called `dinkar` improvement over 'daulatabad' variety the yield and fruit quality is gaining commercial important.
Uses: Today, over one billion people in the world live in houses made of bamboo. It is being used in road reinforcements in India and it is also used in bridges built in China. It is mainly used as construction material, furniture, pulp and plywood. India is very fortunate to be blessed with good bamboo resources. Roots and leaves have also been used to treat venereal diseases and cancer. Moreover, the bamboo shoots are consumed as food and are considered good source of nutrition. The northeastern states are the major bamboo producing states in the country.
It is also used to make necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and other types of jewellery
Land Preparation::
Bamboos can be grown and cultivated on a wide variety of soils except for rock-strewn soils. Bamboo plantation also requires well drained sandy soil to clay soil that should have a ph range of 4.5 to 6.0. If we talk about India, then the Barack Valley region is best suited for bamboo cul-tivation due to best soil and perfect climate conditions.
Propagation:: Normally, the bamboos are propagated through the culms cuttings or rhizomes. But they can also be propagated through the seeds, which are very rarely available. Bamboo seedlings are basically raised on nursery beds and for a year or so they are allowed to grow on poly pots. Lat-er the seedling is transferred into the main field. In the rhizome planting method, a little care is needed. Here, culms of 1 year along with roots should be dug and cut into 1 meter size and be planted in the rainy season
Marketing: Figs are a beloved, popular fruit in India. They grow well in several states including Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh. Though there are approximately 800 va-rieties of figs in the world, the fig variety “Poona” is the most popular in India.
Harvesting: You should harvest figs when they are fully ripe. The figs should be fully colored and slightly soft to the touch. When picking figs, wear gloves or long sleeves because the sap from the fig tree can irritate your skin. Figs are very perishable. Store figs in the refrigerator; they will keep for 2 to 3 days. For long-term storage, you can freeze figs whole for later use. Another storage method is to dry the figs. You can also can your own figs.
Economics of One Acre Dragon Fruit Cultivation: