
Safed Musli Cultivation Project

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  • Safed Musli Cultivation Project
Aloe Vera Plants Cultivation in India

Safed Musli (Chlorophytum borivilianum) is a tuber crop belonging to the family Liliaceae. It is partly a herb with sub-erect lanceolate leaves. Safed Musli is found growing in thick forests in its natural form.The roots of safed musli is reported to contain 2-15% saponin, which has the medicinal property of enhancing vitality and immunity to human beings. It also helps in correct-ing gynaecological disorders. Safed Musli is naturally grown in the hilly areas of Gujarat, Raja-sthan and Madhya Pradesh. It is reported that the annual demand for dried safed Musli roots is 500t in India. The natural source is getting fast depleted necessitating field cultivation of this medicinally important crop..


Safed Musli is a rare herb from India. It is used in traditional systems of medicine including Ayurveda, Unani, and homeopathy. It is traditionally used for arthritis, cancer, diabetes, boosting vitality, improving sexual performance. There are many other therapeutic uses of safed musli where dried tubers are used as a curative for pre-natal and post-natal illness, arthritis, restorative and a health tonic etc.


Safed Musli can be grown in hot and subtropical climate. Normally the agroclimatic conditions suitable for potato, onion and garlic are also suitable for safed musli crop. Well drained soils with rich mineral content is ideal for this crop. Hard and acidic soils are to be avoided.

The flower cluster are dense on the upper part of the scape ; bracts are linear,papery and pur-plish,1.0,10.5cm long ; pedicle whities & 6-10 mm long. It bears green green to yellow coloured fruit which is almost equal in length & breath.

Globe demand for musli is necessiating the cultivation. As illusstraled,safed Musli is a precious medicinal plant with expanding demand in domestic & internotionl market. forset was the only source, which is fast depleting since over expeloictation Hence its cultivation is

Three to four months after planting, the leaves start yellowing. Subsequently they become dry and fall off and get detached from the tuber/ disc. The moisture level in the soil should be maintained for another two to three months. After this, the skin of tubers mature and it turns dark brown. At this stage the tubers and fingers are dug out.

Economics Of Acre Safed Musli Cultivation:



Technical Support & Services:
We also provide technical support for farming. Our Service Department with technically quali-fied staff provide after sales service and farmers' advisory services to our customers to get bet-ter plant establishment and faster growth of Herbal and Horticultural plantations.
We have largest network of employees who deliver Plants to customers at their door steps. Free technical services to customers on planting method, management practices and plant pro-tection measures. Our teams of Agricultural Experts periodically visits and supervise the planta-tions and suggest necessary guidelines to get better growth and higher returns. The income ex-penditure indicated by the company is an approximate figure, as it also depends on the nature and hard work of the farmer.

  • This includes Supervision, consultancy, guidance, Transportation cost first year.
  • Production will come in 6th month.
  • Buy back agreement of Safed Musli.
  • The income expenditure indicated by the company is an approximated figure, as it also depends on the nature and hard work of the farmer.

Terms And Conditions Of Company:

  • For 1 Acre plantation the cost of Plants is Rs. 1,50,000/-, out of which 50% i.e. Rs. 75,000/- has to be paid before the cultivation and the remaining half after the planting is done
  • The Buy Back Agreement Stamp paper of Rs.100/- has to be stamped by District Court of your area.
  • For 10 Acre or more yield the buy Back Agreement Stamp Paper will be of Rs.500/-